I was talking with Isaac (id242) via Google Talk earlier, and we came to the consensus that you could try making a separate UBB install in your webspace, and then if all is working well, compare the two configuration files and adjust values as needed.

You'd want to have a separate database setup for the second install, and you'll want to use a different cookie prefix for the secondary install however.

FWIW, my paths/urls on Scouters World are:
  'FULL_URL' => 'http://www.scoutersworld.com/forum',
  'BASE_URL' => '/forum',
  'FULL_PATH' => '/home/scout/public_html/forum',
  'SESSION_PATH' => '/home/scout/public_html/forum/sessions',
  'REFERERS' => 'http://www.scoutersworld.com',

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
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