Just to butt in and agree with the comments above.

Remember Ubb stood still for so long and nothing on the horizon and the world moving forward. Its user intervention that has finally got ubb moving forward with Gizmo and ID242. The code is being optimised and so many bugs fixed. For you and me this is still frustrating as nothing really has of yet come forward to make that user experience easier, quicker and stress less.

Now that things are moving there is a mobile friendly style coming which is a start to improve that user experience. There is still along way to go and i would follow up on your comments, ive got gigs of images uploaded from my forums and its frustrating to impose file limits on members but we have to balance it. As you say a 2mb usless picture doesn't justify server space. But as most social platforms are compressing images and a very friendly 200k image.

Ive just been using word press on one of my websites after a few years looked into it again, and im frustrated to see via an wordpress app and how easy it is again to just post simply upload simply and easy do what i wanted it to do.

What i can say is that the guys at ubb dev are passionate about everything ubb, and im sure they will definitely deliver on so many upgrades, its just that frustrating time as we wait.

P. S. Up loads please consider water marking the images, so if anyone sharing the image knows where its coming from.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo