Originally Posted by andrewjs18
I'm trying to get ubb.threads 7.7.3 installed so I can import a ubb.classic 6.7.3 forum. when I get to the step where you click 'create tables' rather than creating an admin user, it throws the following error:

We Encountered A Problem
SQL Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
SQL Error: 1071

create table ubbt_REGISTRATION_FIELDS (
REGISTRATION_FIELD varchar(255) not null primary key,

any ideas on how to fix this?

I'm running php 7.2 on this server with mariadb 10.1

I guess we all missed the part that you are installing ubb for the first time, And you have not yet got to the import.
If you had some failure during the install and the tables were created.
Then you will need to drop all tables in the data base to start over with a install.

Bear in mind you will need to drop down a few versions for the importer to work as well as downgrade php

also there is a ubb test script to see if your site is compatible for the newest ubb version.

Since the importer only reads and imports data from classic to ubb threads, You need a working ubbthreads forum to import to.. And it needs to be a virgin install for the import to work.

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