TOC / Overview•
UBB.threads 7.6.2 Changelog•
Upgrading To The Current Version of UBB.threads 7•
New Styles•
What To Do Next? / DiscussionUBB.threads 7.6.2 ChangelogUBB.threads 7.6.2 has been released and is now available to download in the
Member Area.
Summary of Changes[NEW] Private Messages/Topics can now be emailed, so a recipient can keep a copy of their PM/PT offsite using their own email service.
[NEW] Inline display of attached PDF documents. Your forum must allow .pdf file attachments (Control Panel / Features / Attachments: Allowed Attachment File Extensions).
[NEW] Subscription Invoice number is now displayed to the Member on their Subscriptions page. They can use that number as a reference point if there are any issues with their Subscriptions. That number can be used in the Admin Subscription Manager.
[NEW] Subscription process will now display a "Thank You" page and return the user to the subscriptions list upon a successful transaction.
[NEW] Control Panel Dashboard now displays Admin Log and Referrer Log entry counts, and will link to each section.
[NEW] A log entry is now created each time your forum sends an Email. The Log Entry will display the Member Name, To Email Address, and the Topic Title. The contents of the email are not included within the log entry. This feature has been requested by forum admins to help track how many, how often, to who, and what their forum are sending by Email. Member privacy is still maintained. The log is intended to be used for statistic generation and debugging. An example of the items which generate an Email log entry are, Emailed Watched Topics/Forums, Messages, Emailed Posts/Topics. This tool can assist you in spotting members who are using your messaging features to spam your other members.
[NEW] Admin Logs can be automatically purged to a certain age (Lifetime). The auto-purge feature is disabled by default. (CP > Primary > Logging)
[NEW] Admin Logs can now be completely disabled.
[NEW] Emailing members from the control panel has been updated with several new features:
• 1/ Each section is now described in full.
• 2/ The forum email address is now displayed, since it will be the return email add for your mailings.
• 3/ A notice is displayed regarding users who have chosen not to receive admin emails.
• 4/ Added an option for insertion of HTML line breaks (<br>) for new lines. This is useful for when you are sending pure text, vs sending something you've created in a third-party HTML editor.
• 5/ "BCC: Send Email As" is now pre-filled with the forum email address, and is customizable.
• 6/ "Send Emails One At A Time" is now set as default. This can lighten the load on your host's Email servers when sending out mass mailings, though its strongly advised to use a full-blown email manager (such as "phpList Email List Manager") for managing your websites news letters.
• 7a/ You can now send out a Test Email of your mailer before you mass email it. This is useful for previewing what your message would look like in your own email program before sending it to your members. The address you enter does not need to belong to a member within the forum database.
• 7b/ If you link directly to this page without using the member search, you can use the Test Email feature to send emails to non-members using your default forum Mailer Templates.
• 7c/ This feature is also useful for testing your forum email settings to any email address.
[NEW] StopForumSpam Lookup & Reporting (SFS Check) in the Member Editor has been updated to display within the same browser window, rather than as a pop-out window. The info box now also displays the user's Registration Date, Last Post Date (if any), and IP addresses for either, along with the normal SFS report.
[NEW] StopForumSpam Lookups are now logged in the Admin Log. If the Member was found in the SFS database, a "(SFS!)" notation will be added in the log next to the item that was triggered.
[NEW] Style Editor now generates an additional "/styles/style.css" file alongside the current STYLENAME_####.css file when you edit and save your forum's Main Default Style. The style.css file is compressed with human-readability in mind. The purpose for this new file is so you can link to it from external scripts to utilize your site's stock styles all in one place, and using a single/expected file name. Setting a different style as Default will also create the style.css for this new Default Style.
[NEW] (UBBT Upgrader) now checks and displays installed UBB.threads version based on variables stored in the current database.
[NEW] (UBBT Installer) A sample forum is automatically created under the main category.
[NEW] (UBBT Installer) The list of Search Engine Spiders for UBB.threads is pre-populated.
[UPDATE] Send Private Message page has been cleaned up and made more user friendly.
[UPDATE] Member Spotlight island header can now be clicked to visit the Member List.
[UPDATE] Updated Post Icon selection display for improved mobile friendliness.
[UPDATE] Updated Member Avatar image and Initial display on Post list pages.
[UPDATE] Updated language mentions of BBCode language from "[image]" to instead use the "[img]" term. This is purely aesthetic. Both uses of the BBCode are still valid.
[UPDATE] Added basic header information to the Email template.
[UPDATE] PayPal IPN (instant Payment Notification) Verification Postback has been updated to HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS). HTTP/1.0 (HTTP) postbacks will no longer be supported by PayPal as of June 2018.
[UPDATE] Dashboard will display a notice when Debugging is enabled.
[UPDATE] Member Editor will display a notice if the member being edited is banned, and for how long.
[UPDATE] Admin Log entries display can now be filtered to "Show All" log entries, "Mailer Only" or all with Mailer entries hidden.
[UPDATE] Admin Log items have been updated, such as; Style Numbers are shown with the Style Name.
[UPDATE] Style Editor now displays "[Site Default]" next to the default site style in the drop-down list.
[UPDATE] Subscription Transaction Details in Admin now has a "Return To Transactions List" button.
[UPDATE] Subscription invoicing system in the control panel has been updated to improve usability. Columns have been rearranged to match the ordering used in other areas of the subscription system. The member's email addresses are now displayed with their member name. Searching for subscriptions by Display Name is no longer case sensitive, and allows the use of wildcard. Can now search for transactions by registration email address.
[UPDATE] Updated the URL and PATH language strings to be more specific with regards to "absolute" vs "relative"
[UPDATE] Updated all example urls from "http" to "https" in an attempt to push a recommendation towards using secure connections.
[UPDATE] StopForumSpam Lookup & Reporting in the Control Panel now opens in the same page as the user you are editing. This should help prevent mistakes of reporting a wrong user when you have multiple member-editor tabs open at the same time.
[UPDATE] Updated Font Awesome library from 5.0.4 to
version 5.3.1[UPDATE] Updated jQuery library from 3.2.1 to version 3.3.1.
[UPDATE] Updated PHPMailer library from 5.2.25 to
version 5.2.26[UPDATE] Updated Smarty library from 3.1.31 to
version 3.1.32[UPDATE] Updated Autosize asset from 4.0.0 to
version 4.0.2[UPDATE] Updated Dropzone asset from 5.2.0 to
version 5.5.0[UPDATE] Cleanup of language strings, templates, CSS, and JavaScript files.
[UPDATE] (UBBT Installer) Default variables have been updated to reflect modern internet forum standards.
[FIX] Member Avatars in the showflat_side/top templates have been corrected to prevent overlapping/leaking in to the post content.
[FIX] Gallery List page will now display lead image to fit 100% of long edge of the image, rather than cropped to center.
[FIX] Avatar display on Post list pages is now Internet Explorer 11 compatible.
[FIX] Mail Post link will only be displayed to Members.
[FIX] Fixed a minor HTML validation error within the Email templates.
[FIX] Control Panel updates causing Admin Log entries with a NULL setting (or none) are now displayed as "NULL". Previously they were displayed as "0" which would be confusing when entries of "0" were also stored.
[FIX] Reverted the 7.6.1 viewport setting for admin Control Panel until the Control Panel is mobile friendly.
[FIX] Any code and page validation errors that were found, were fixed.
[FIX] (UBBT Upgrader) Upgrader now correctly upgrades from UBB.threads 7.5.6p1, 7.5.6p2, and versions.