Originally Posted by Ruben
BTW like I said you should have at least the blank files. index.html and index.htm.
If they are missing also, I would suspect something has happened with your host provider service. Those two files should always be there.

My Shout Box content disappeared too. The box was there, the buttons were there, even the type-in-your-comment field was there but all the previously posted "Shouts" were gone and new shouts can't be send. When you type in and SEND something it says, "Sending message..." but never appears.

I first tried to "Clear Cache" and that didn't help.

Via FTP, I removed all the files (except for index.html) files in the /forum/cache/ folder, as well as all the files in the /forum/cache_builders/ folder, and also all the files (except for index.html) in the /forum/cache_builders/custom/ folder.

Then I did a 1) Rebuild posts, 2) Rebuild topics, and 3) Rebuild forums... and now I'm without any Islands, no shout box, nothing on the right or left side bars.


I did, however, save all those files I deleted. Should I just send them back to where I found them and see what happens or try something different?