Progress Update 2017-03-10
Two days were spent working on the PHP7 updates. No problems updating the actual files. But support for global variables has been dropped from PHP7. Because of this, I believe that all UBB.threads libs/ will need to be rewritten in to classes and functions to fully work with PHP7.

Another two more days were spent working on the MySQLi database connector. It is working just fine. Looking forward, a connector for pgsql could also probably be added.

About four days in total, just for these two single items. Both items of which, will be pushed in to a future version. But the version will need a major numbering bump.

[FIX] Fixed many minor related items along the way. Current installs will not notice an difference, since these fixes were mostly upgrading PHP4 left-overs to be correctly PHP5 formatted, which is also PHP7 compatible.

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.0.1
isaac @ // my forum @