Changelog 2017-03-13
[NEW] Control Panel Subscription Details page can now be printed. The print version removes all admin menu elements and background colors. The output is suitable for sending hard-copy or emailing PDF transaction receipts to your subscribers.
[UPDATE] Control Panel menu has been slightly rearranged to place Subscriptions section below the Permissions section
[UPDATE] Control Panel Subscriptions section item names have been updated to more clearly reflect what each item does. This should also help remove confusion between "Subscription Groups" and "Permission Groups."
[UPDATE] Control Panel "Subscriptions Group" and "Edit Subscriptions Group" have been given descriptions and directions regarding making subscriptions inactive or deleting.
1SubscriptionGroups.png 2SubscriptionGroup-Edit.png 3SubscriptionDetails.png 3SubscriptionDetails-Printable.png

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
isaac @ // my forum @