Changelog 2017-11-06
[NEW] Google reCAPTCHA v2 API has been added. When enabled, it will be used in place of the classic CAPTCHA system. (see attached example)
[NEW] Added an option within the Primary/Advanced Settings to always "Expand Control Panel Sections" on key Control Panel pages. Thanks to Mark_S for requesting this!
[NEW] Responsive layout on mobile devices (viewport) can be disabled from the Control Panel. This setting disables responsive pages for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. All pages viewed on mobile devices will have a desktop style layout similar to the old non-mobile versions of UBB.threads (v7.5.x and older).
[NEW] New Style has been added, "Ventura - Pine"
[UPDATE] CAPTCHA Settings group has been added to the Control Panel within the General settings section. (see attached screenshot)
[UPDATE] CAPTCHA graphics libraries examples will now display the GL being used within each preview.
[UPDATE] Registration settings now only asks if you'd like to have CAPTCHA Verification enabled. It no longer asks the duplicate question of which Graphics Library to use. The GL setting is configured within the General Settings section as CAPTCHA w/ GD2 or IM, or use the ReCAPTCHA API.
[UPDATE] The new 7.6.1 style set, "Ventura - Open" has been renamed to, "Ventura Open." The default style being used on UBBCentral is a slightly customized version of "Ventura Open - Ink."
[UPDATE] Social/Sharing Settings group has been added to the Control Panel within the General settings section. (see attached screenshot)
[UPDATE] Shareaholic setup directions have been updated to reflect the most recent changes on the admin dashboard. A direct link to that dashboard is now also included to make setting up and configuring this API easier.
[UPDATE] Debugging toggle description has been added to explain which features are enabled/disabled when debugging is toggled. As always, If you are not actively debugging a site issue, its advised to have debugging mode turned off.
[UPDATE] Multiple language entries have been updated to further ease of use, and retain consistent terminology across the entire forum package.
[FIX] CAPTCHA now display correctly when the config variables cannot be passed through the url due to higher server security settings within php. This was a long-standing bug from at least UBBT 7.5.0. It has now been fixed.
20171106_15-31-11.PNG 20171106_15-04-27.PNG reCAPTCHA2.gif

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.0.1
isaac @ // my forum @