Changelog 2017-12-17
[UPDATE] Lots of Control Panel updates and fixes, including a color pallet update to its overall appearance, Improved menus and layout corrections all over the place.
[UPDATE] Base css files (common.css and admin.css) have been cleaned up and optimized.
[UPDATE] SQL Backup now works as expected, and is quicker. ex. my "sandbox" database is about 370MB. Total time for this chunk-backup of all UBB.threads tables was about 30 minutes. Before the update, that task took about 75 minutes. This tool is for admins who cannot access their servers directly (for example; via CLI using SSH) to do a direct backup of their DB.
[UPDATE] SQL Backup progress information is now displayed.
[UPDATE] SQL Backup task, and start/end times are now added to the Admin Log.
[UPDATE] SQL Backup now adds information to the file header of when and where the backup came from, along with useful server and database specs.
[UPDATE] Minor updates to Subscription page layouts within the Control Panel.
[UPDATE] User Registration Queue pages have been polished. They now also display the registrations in reverse chronological order (newest is first).
[UPDATE] To resolve an issue some sites have for displaying the User Registration Queue page when they have put little effort in to approving new registrations (or have just woke up to find their forum spammed by a new registration bot -- use that ReCaptia smile ), now only the last 50 are displayed at a time. There is a warning notice shown when you reach 50+ registrations waiting.
[FIX] Control Panel display corrections for IPv6 addresses.

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.0.1
isaac @ // my forum @