Changelog 2017-03-15
[UPDATE] "My Stuff" menu has been moved from the NavBar and is now combined with the User Name as a drop-down menu. This drop-down menu is no longer tied to the "Show My Stuff menu on Left" setting within the display preference settings.
[UPDATE] "Register" link has been moved from the NavBar and it now in the top bar next to the Log In links.
[UPDATE] "Mail Flasher" link has also been moved to the top bar next to the User Name. If the user has no new Private Messages, an empty envelop will display. When clicked, this empty envelope will take the user to their Private Message listing just as the normal/non-drop-down "My Stuff" menu link would do.
[UPDATE] "Log Out" link has been moved to the bottom of the User Name as a drop-down menu. This location is consistent with other modern websites and desktop applications.
[FIX] When creating a new Private Message, the "Add Users From Friend List" drop-down menu will not be displayed if the user has a blank "Friend List."
[FIX] Showflat post author information has been cleaned up and no longer displays unnecessary line breaks.
[FIX] Breadcrumb bar spacing fixes all over.

Note: The attached screenshots were each taken from two different forums. One forum (wip) allows unregistered users to view the User List and shows the User List link, the other forum (ubbcentral) does not.
MenuBar.Logged In.png MenuBar.Not Logged In.png PM.Empty Friend List.png PM.Friend List with Friends.png

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
isaac @ // my forum @