If you click the links in the header you'll see that everything works fine, short of accessing:

Could you load this PHPInfo (only that link as it has additional data appended to it) page and tell me if the value for "PATH_INFO" is "/test"? I'm thinking it should work, since I can access:

I'm trying to figure out why the server isn't passing a variable, if we can't get it figured out you may just have to roll back to PHP5.6 for the time being.

You don't happen to have a .htaccess file in one of these directories that has any sort of apache redirect or 301 redirect in place?

Is there any entry in your web server logs which mention the forum folder?

Did your upgrade to UBB.threads v7.7.0 complete through all of the transition steps?

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
Do you need Forum Install or Upgrade Services?
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