Originally Posted by Ruben
I would also clean up the logs a bit.
They are huge so it may be easier to ftp to the site and delete the files in the folder.
As far as post count promotion. goes try:
You already have a flood check so add say 10 posts to promote them.to user.
If you make it to small a number then a spammer could just post several posts back to back and be promoted.

I'm leery of deleting anything at this point.
I'd want to be very sure whatever I was deleting wasn't going to cause other problems. And yes you're right, It would be better for me to ftp in.

As for the automatic moving of new members, we're going to revisit this.
Our primary reason for making it slower for new members to post was an effort to discourage spammers, especially the ones who like to come in about 3:00 a.m. our time and slap up 15 or 20 garbage posts.

I'm thinking of trying it again, keeping the post frequency throttled back for Newbies until they hit say 20 posts, then allowing them to move to User automatically.

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