Serious question <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

I am getting so many complaints, and loosing members due to a) people getting logged out (not so major) b) new posts not being tracked (very major) that this is really starting to get me down. <img src="" alt="" />

I am trying to fend off the complaints, but when it starts getting mentioned on other 'competitor' forums, you know you have a problem.

I have a database that is now a week old (and growing in age) that I could go back to - but this will probably cause even more complaints, with missing posts etc.

All I can see to do is to reverse the various sql updates.

Maybe people will start to return if and when the problem is sorted - but I am starting to have my doubts - reason being that the site is built around various small UK clubs having their forums as part of my site - and some of those clubs are considering jumping ship - so taking many members with them.

I have already reduced my forums down from 120 to 65, but I can't trim them anymore. We have 350,000 posts, which is still small compared to many, so I do not know what else to do.

So hence my only answer to downgrade.

I know that 6.5.1 MAY contain some bug fixes, but that could be some time away before releasing, and I can't really take another seven days like the last. <img src="" alt="" />