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Well, I had a busy/stressful night; so I did something that always seems to calm me down, i wrote... but what oh what did I write? Something to keep track of the feature suggestions that I'm all for... I don't recall at times if I've made a suggestion yet, so this is my way of keeping track of everything (and since I've been with the UBB for so long, i figure people may be interested in what features I'd like to see).

So without further ado, I give you...

Gizmo's Wishlist
  1. NetBPM option for CAPTCHA (Figure we have GD2 and ImageMagick, NetBPM is another largely popular image engine)
  2. Email Image Parsing
  3. More advanced registration system
  4. More "Group" options (allowed shoutbox usage, allowed html, allowed calendar entry, avatars, titles, etc).
  5. Javascript Post Islands (like classic had)
  6. Global Moderators, basically an "admin" over the forum, with "moderator like" control panel options... think of it as a moderator of every forum, but little/null cp access...
  7. Boot user from and invite user to a private topic.
  8. MD5 hashing of uploads for validity
  9. Teaser Forums
  10. Save PT to computer - Will allow you to save all PT contents to your computer (exported as a text file perhaps)
  11. More collapsing forum options; it'd be nice if you could set them to default collapsed.
  12. Ability to log out of the forums from the control panel
  13. All actions that effect content (editing, deleting, updating) should be in the admin log.
  14. Ability to sort avatars in categories.
  15. Download Archive system, so admin can see what files are uploaded and what threads and users they belong to.
  16. Have the "email replies" system send emails as: [forum name]: [category name]: [thread title] or: [forum name]: [Thread Title]
  17. Warning System; moderators can "strike" a user for infractions; upon an admin definable number of strikes the user is restricted to forum features (unable to send pm's except to admin/mod's, unable to use shoutbox, unable to post calendar options, etc); upon another admin definable set of strikes the user is banned for an admin definable amount of time.
  18. http:// not automatically added to URLs
  19. Timed sticky posts
  20. Global announcements show on forum index above category listing (like they would in the forum index)
  21. Ability to post calendar entries "in the past"; currently you can only post for "this year".
  22. Have the ability to count "years" for items like "anniversaries" so you can see the length of time visualy since the event started (as in forum anniversary)
  23. Latest Posts vs Active Topics (so you can see content of the active post/last postd user vs original post/original poster
  24. Payment Options through PayPal, NoChecks, MoneyBookers and Google Checkout.
  25. Allow multiple news feeds on portal
  26. RSS System for Sidebars
  27. RSS Forums
  28. Link Forums (that track outward links)
  29. TNG Integration
  30. Modification System/Hooks
  31. Weekly Events (the ability to schedual an event to go from Day1 to Day2 and reoccur every week).
  32. Email Notification on event day
  33. Attachments in Private Topcs
  34. You have not posted in a while
  35. Sticky private topics
  36. set moderator sort order
  37. popup search box (like what other forum solutions have)
  38. ability to choose between different templates for styles (like what the *nukes have), would allow for "mobile" templates
  39. Mark as read based on per forum vs globally
  40. Biography back in the member info pages.
  41. ban people from specific forums
  42. lock member profiles - so that only an admin can edit it.
  43. "group only" content islands
  44. ability to edit login names
  45. I'd like to see the "split messages" option work with "checkboxes" so that we can select which posts to split off, and which replies to leave in place.
  46. A bug free phpbb importer
  47. ability to approve user-uploaded avatars
  48. ability to reply to global announcements
  49. Integrated Gallery, possibly that looks like the Melto Gallery with the "top level view" of coppermine.
  50. Ability to disable special formatting
  51. add new user from control panel
  52. Gender
  53. True Archive Functions - either create flat files or use archive mysql type.
  54. SHA1 vs MD5 - For passwords, would allow greater security of user passwords, in fact this is the password store type for the "new passwords system" in php4.3+
  55. More information in printer view; such as community name/url + groupee (c) info.
  56. Have gramelin system search for gramelins which are in the folder and ask what you wish to import which doesn't already exist in the database.
  57. Remove "view all" when thread reaches X amount of posts
  58. A better looking "subforums" list, like they have at UBBDev on the subforum view.
  59. Posts don't count forums (where users like myself cannot mass post to increase post count
  60. Auto send birthday Notice
  61. Show signature once per thread
  62. Auto turn forum on after backup
  63. Give warning while writing pm that a user is over their pm counter.
  64. IP's in "admin view" link to a lookup database, such as domain tools: Ex:
  65. I always found "PM Inbox"/"PM Folders" an awesome idea; was an old mod at UBBDev for UBB.C
  66. Trashbin Forums; where deleted threads/posts are moved/split vs just purged forever (as a forum option)
  67. Enhanced Statistics - In UBB.C there was a mod which would show detailed statistics which included some monthly statistics.
  68. Next/Previous links link to the first "unread" post vs first/last post in thread.
  69. Ability to not allow users to change topics/set topic on reply (but always allow for admin/mod)
  70. List Bullet Types - I'd love the ability to be able to choose if i want a diamond, block, circle, or numbered list wink...
  71. Sublists - The ability for the javascript post interface to properly do sublists would be cool as well.
  72. I'd love it if the censor could properly filter out URL's
  73. Post As User or "Linked Accounts"
  74. "Copy Thread" would be killer; we could copy a thread from source forum to destination (such as a admin flag forum) to discuss posts within.
  75. Password Forums - a .c feature, where you can assign a password to a forum; I understand that groups is a valid replacement to this in .t7, but I enjoy playing favorites and don't always like updating group lists lol
  76. Updating EMail address should re-do the email validation procedure (except for admin/mods), it should lock the users account so they cannot post until they re-validate their email account.
  77. Limit # of images in a post - come on, we don't need to see users with 50 images in a post... I propose an admin definable option for max# of images embedded in a post :nod:.
  78. "contact us" use mailform vs link or email address; would allow sending secure emails without having to worry about spambots gobbling up your email addresses; should use the CAPTCHA system.
  79. Hovering over subject in thread list shows truncated version of the original post.
  80. i know i mentioned payment before, but I really want to stress the ability of subscriptions; paypal has a free webmaster tool which can validate payments actually went through; and it'd be excellent for subscription based payments.
  81. I'd like to see a more powerful "home" page section, what we have now is just kinda generic, perhaps make users *want* to go to this page? list new posts of favorite forums, rss feeds perhaps?
  82. ability for users to re-request their authorization email should it fail to be sent.
  83. Anonymous Posters to have the ability to enter a name which is not currently registered.
  84. Ability to enter a "space" in the public display name. An admin can set it in the CP but for public users you're told you can only use alpha numeric.
  85. Ability to Remove or CHANGE rating on users/topics... Sometimes your opinions on users or topics change over time... I propose a "Netflix" like system for changing ratings (you ahve to see it to know what i mean lol)
  86. QuickPost - Where you have a link from the category index to create a new thread, and the new thread page has a dropdown listing every forum available.
  87. New User Sponsors This would be great for "private" communities as you can have established users sponsor newbies who want to get in on the fun...
  88. "Request to Join Group"... I have seen a group system in (i think) phpbb, where users can see what (public) groups exist, and can request to join them. Some of these groups unlock otherwise "private" sections of the site, etc.
  89. License System - Kinda out of the scope, but works with the payment options aforementioned... Users with a "current license" can see and download scripts, or post in support forums (utilizing the group system of coarse).
  90. Moderated Polls - Where an admin/mod can "stop" a poll and make it public, before expiration date/time yet (instead of closing the topic) users can still reply to the thread.
  91. Admin definable refresh time
  92. "You must be logged in" options - Such as viewing links, emails, images, etc
  93. Spoiler Tags - Mmmm, spoilers... Would make a user have to click a "Click here to view spoiler" button/link to view "hidden" text.
  94. Auto Lock - Auto lock threads older than X days (to prevent users from resurrecting the dead).
  95. "Page X of X Styles" I'd like to see the pagination boxes have their own class so that styling for them will be easier to handle (vs having to sit and try to match to the best of your ability)
  96. Timers on Stickies and Global Announcements on how long they should stay sticky/revert to normal posts.
  97. Gizmo should be admin, everywhere, not just here... that is all :x...
  98. Moreover, I think Rick deserves a raise, for having to put up with us :nod: hehe...

PS, I got to page 102 of feature suggestions before I nearly fell asleep...

BTW, I absolutely love UBB.Threads, please don't take my (long) list of feature suggestions as griping or saying that I hate or dislike the product in any way; I just want threads to be all that it can be, and then some wink...

Added Aug 11, 2008
  1. "My Forums" - Shows a link to every topic you've participated on.
  2. "Karma" - Feedback system to replace the rating system, where users can give you + or - karma points based on your forum activity/helpfulness.
  3. "Thank this Post" - Allows users to show their appreciation on a post level; users who "thank" a post will have their PDN listed at a bottom section of a post that looks like:
    Users who have thanked this post:
    Gizmo (Aug 11, 2008), SirDude (Aug 2, 2008), Ian (July 25, 2008)
  4. OpenID for Identification

Added 2013
  1. "Banned" users don't display in User List & profiles cannot be viewed by "non-admin" users.

Added in 2014
  1. Split Post into Topic
  2. Image Library Fallback

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I dare someone to tally up how many suggestions I just made... I *think* theres 97... lol

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Nice list - if we had all that it would be almost perfect wink

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Originally Posted by Ian
Nice list - if we had all that it would be almost perfect wink
I'm not done yet... That was just a light pet... lol... I'll get more ideas tomorrow lol...

You should have seen all the stuff i was throwing at rick during alpha!

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That should keep Rick busy for a while. Maybe you could set up a poll with the above items for members here to vote on. At least it would be interesting to see how they rank.

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Something tells me that a 97+ option poll would take forever to type and most people would just yawn at and leave lol...

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Nice list Gizzy wink But it's nothing compared to mine laugh

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Originally Posted by Rick
Nice list Gizzy wink But it's nothing compared to mine laugh

Yeah, but you won't post yours wink

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My favorites:

# RSS System for Sidebars
# RSS Forums

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Originally Posted by ntdoc
Yeah, but you won't post yours wink

Sure I will, just read through all the topics on this forum and you have my wish list wink

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I did read through yours, I got to page 101 lol...

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Originally Posted by Rick
Originally Posted by ntdoc
Yeah, but you won't post yours wink

Sure I will, just read through all the topics on this forum and you have my wish list wink

ROFL - I meant as one single nice looking post with links like Gizmo's list. grin

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Not all of mine have links wink... lol...

I went back through the feature sugguestions and took my favorite ones, as well as got some ideas for others that i added (some of my suggestions in my list have not been previously made as suggestions).

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So if Rick could implement say 3 a day (no one bothering him) then it would take at least more than a month of coding to add everything from your wish list grin

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Nice list, and yes Rick does deserve a raise laugh

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Wondered if anyone would read the last two wink

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Wondered if anyone would read the last two


BTW, I absolutely love UBB.threads

Me too ! And there was me refusing to move from UBB.classic last year !

Some of my faves:

More advanced registration system
Javascript Post Islands (like classic had)
Boot user from and invite user to a private topic.
All actions that effect content (editing, deleting, updating) should be in the admin log.
Ability to sort avatars in categories.
Warning System; moderators can "strike" a user for infractions; upon an admin definable number of strikes the user is restricted to forum features (unable to send pm's except to admin/mod's, unable to use shoutbox, unable to post calendar options, etc); upon another admin definable set of strikes the user is banned for an admin definable amount of time.
Timed sticky posts
Global announcements show on forum index above category listing (like they would in the forum index)
Ability to post calendar entries "in the past"; currently you can only post for "this year".
Have the ability to count "years" for items like "anniversaries" so you can see the length of time visualy since the event started (as in forum anniversary)
Latest Posts vs Active Topics (so you can see content of the active post/last postd user vs original post/original poster
Payment Options through PayPal and NoChecks
Allow multiple news feeds on portal
RSS System for Sidebars
RSS Forums
Weekly Events (the ability to schedual an event to go from Day1 to Day2 and reoccur every week).
Email Notification on event day
You have not posted in a while
popup search box (like what other forum solutions have)
Biography back in the member info pages.
ability to approve user-uploaded avatars
Integrated Gallery, possibly that looks like the Melto Gallery with the "top level view" of coppermine.
Ability to disable special formatting
add new user from control panel
True Archive Functions - either create flat files or use archive mysql type.
Have gramelin system search for gramelins which are in the folder and ask what you wish to import which doesn't already exist in the database.
Posts don't count forums (where users like myself cannot mass post to increase post count
Auto send birthday PM
Auto turn forum on after backup
IP's in "admin view" link to a lookup database, such as domain tools: Ex:
Enhanced Statistics - In UBB.C there was a mod which would show detailed statistics which included some monthly statistics.
List Bullet Types - I'd love the ability to be able to choose if i want a diamond, block, circle, or numbered list wink...
Password Forums - a .c feature, where you can assign a password to a forum; I understand that groups is a valid replacement to this in .t7, but I enjoy playing favorites and don't always like updating group lists lol
Updating EMail address should re-do the email validation procedure (except for admin/mods), it should lock the users account so they cannot post until they re-validate their email account.
Limit # of images in a post - come on, we don't need to see users with 50 images in a post... I propose an admin definable option for max# of images embedded in a post :nod:.
"contact us" use mailform vs link or email address; would allow sending secure emails without having to worry about spambots gobbling up your email addresses; should use the CAPTCHA system.
Hovering over subject in thread list shows truncated version of the original post.
I'd like to see a more powerful "home" page section, what we have now is just kinda generic, perhaps make users *want* to go to this page? list new posts of favorite forums, rss feeds perhaps?
ability for users to re-request their authorization email should it fail to be sent.
Anonymous Posters to have the ability to enter a name which is not currently registered.
Ability to enter a "space" in the public display name. An admin can set it in the CP but for public users you're told you can only use alpha numeric.
"You must be logged in" options - Such as viewing links, emails, images, etc
Spoiler Tags - Mmmm, spoilers... Would make a user have to click a "Click here to view spoiler" button/link to view "hidden" text.
Auto Lock - Auto lock threads older than X days (to prevent users from resurrecting the dead).
"Page X of X Styles" I'd like to see the pagination boxes have their own class so that styling for them will be easier to handle (vs having to sit and try to match to the best of your ability)
Gizmo should be admin, everywhere, not just here... that is all :x...
Moreover, I think Rick deserves a raise, for having to put up with us :nod: hehe...


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Hehe... a lot of the featueres shown above show that I'm from classic too wink

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timed sticky posts - should also refer to global announcements smile

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I thought global announcements already had timers?

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not that I know of - only item with timers are bans and votes.

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hmm, guess not; ok then, timers on global announcements...

Mainly, i'd like to see the phpbb mod that makes global annoucnements show as a seperated "post" on the category index is what i want, but timers could be nifty...

List updated.

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Great list smile

Even switching on Rate a topic (This Forum) would
at the least, show users intrest smile

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'eh only to this thread vs other threads wink

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Well personally aross the forums,
but a good feature too add would be Rate a Topic option
per forum.

As where in the feedback forum,
we could rate a topic as we see fit to its content or idea.
Okay its not the best. But a basic way of judging what
some members are thinking smile

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not a fan of ratings - but all good ideas smile

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Well at the moment, if a topic is Flaming
then members like the name of the subject and they have had a look.

Unless there was a poll in the first topic,
i guess we would never know..... (polls not active)

Ratings can be abused, just like anything, but i like to
think members rate honestly.

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People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo
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A better voting/rating system would help sites that want to categorize content. i.e. Say one subject is rated very high for technical content then it might be a candidate for converting to and FAQ or as an accepted best practice document.

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Gizmo, any undone items on this list you'd like to push for?

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Well, if I had to choose some favorites...

  • NetBPM option for CAPTCHA (Figure we have GD2 and ImageMagick, NetBPM is another largely popular image engine)
  • Javascript Post Islands (like classic had)
  • Boot user from and invite user to a private topic.
  • MD5 hashing of uploads for validity
  • More collapsing forum options; it'd be nice if you could set them to default collapsed.
  • Ability to sort avatars in categories.
  • Download Archive system, so admin can see what files are uploaded and what threads and users they belong to.
  • Global announcements show on forum index above category listing (like they would in the forum index)
  • Have the ability to count "years" for items like "anniversaries" so you can see the length of time visualy since the event started (as in forum anniversary)
  • You have not posted in a while
  • Biography back in the member info pages.
  • lock member profiles - so that only an admin can edit it.
  • ability to edit login names
  • ability to reply to global announcements
  • SHA1 vs MD5 - For passwords, would allow greater security of user passwords, in fact this is the password store type for the "new passwords system" in php4.3+
  • Remove "view all" when thread reaches X amount of posts
  • I always found "PM Inbox"/"PM Folders" an awesome idea; was an old mod at UBBDev for UBB.C
  • Trashbin Forums; where deleted threads/posts are moved/split vs just purged forever (as a forum option)
  • Enhanced Statistics - In UBB.C there was a mod which would show detailed statistics which included some monthly statistics.
  • "Copy Thread" would be killer; we could copy a thread from source forum to destination (such as a admin flag forum) to discuss posts within.
  • "contact us" use mailform vs link or email address; would allow sending secure emails without having to worry about spambots gobbling up your email addresses; should use the CAPTCHA system.
  • QuickPost - Where you have a link from the category index to create a new thread, and the new thread page has a dropdown listing every forum available.
  • New User Sponsors This would be great for "private" communities as you can have established users sponsor newbies who want to get in on the fun...
  • "Request to Join Group"... I have seen a group system in (i think) phpbb, where users can see what (public) groups exist, and can request to join them. Some of these groups unlock otherwise "private" sections of the site, etc.

Additionally, I think that most of these are some of the only ones from my initial post which haven't been added in yet wink... There are a couple of other ones lol...

Anyone want to go through the original post and strikethrough those which have been added in?

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Well, I meant the original post wink... When did that one get added?

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Added to the initial post

Originally Posted by Gizmo
Added Aug 11, 2008:
  1. "My Forums" - Shows a link to every topic you've participated on.
  2. "Karma" - Feedback system to replace the rating system, where users can give you + or - karma points based on your forum activity/helpfulness.
  3. "Thank this Post" - Allows users to show their appreciation on a post level; users who "thank" a post will have their PDN listed at a bottom section of a post that looks like:
    Users who have thanked this post:
    Gizmo (Aug 11, 2008), SirDude (Aug 2, 2008), Ian (July 25, 2008)
  4. OpenID for Identification

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I did a strikethrough of what i can see has already been added; please let me know if i missed one

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Gizmo that is some list you have.

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That must have been a wild night! lol! That's a pretty long list. You guys thinking of adding all that stuff in?

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What a minefield of information. You have to tread carefully
in certain forums with all the do's & don'ts.

Mark frown

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I just want an interface with

- Allen
- ThreadsDev | PraiseCafe
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lol, imagine that tongue

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