While it may be true that most people who have e-mail also have access to the Web, that does not mean they use it, or are comfortable with it.
Add to the additional skills (over e-mail) required to use a browser the level of effort to understand words on a forum like "index" and "submit" and "continue" and figuring out where to click to even read a message (not difficult for you and me, but it is for a person new to it), and you put some barriers up for people.
The easier you can make it for some, the easier it will be for most.
It is our job to encourage people to take part, and figure a way to do that which allows them the most choices, even if it makes the work harder for us. Or so I think today. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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