doesn't alleviate any fears at all. doesn't help a bit with the basic problem. google has to see the files as dupes first. and with the current system they don't

part of the problem is a spider, including google, CANNOT TELL THEY ARE DUPES BECAUSE OF THE CHATBOX. it makes the pages different when spidered. they don't come up as dupes.

this line at the bottom of the pages

Generated in 0.123 seconds in which 0.096 seconds were spent on a total of 21 queries.

also causes dupes to not be seen because it will be slightly different for the same page spidered at a different time.

so those two things cause files that are content duplicate not to be seen as dupes by spiders.

i have detailed results from testing and this is A REAL PROBLEM. i checked my results in google. they used to have 25,000 files indexed on this same board, with the previous ubb version. the results are way down now. there are only 1600 and many are profiles and reply forms and similar trash.

it has also affected my overall google ranking also not having those in there. has been consistently ranked between #9-#20 when searching by 'belize' on google for YEARS. since the new board went in i have dropped to #43 and am still sliding, no doubt because i have a lot less files indexed on the domain now. nothing else has changed. i check my google ranking every day so i have huge stats on this.

Googles' results with the 7.x version of ubb are awful. from 25,000 files indexed to 1600? no doubt they just shut the spider down when it hits the replication madness i hit. can't really even get the spider to stop. it basically goes forever churning up HUGE bandwidth costs. I have spent several hundred dollars in bandwidth costs just in testing over the last couple weeks. And i get bandwidth cheap. Gigabytes and gigabytes of bandwidth. It has run to over 500,000 files several times. and thats with a huge exclude list that allows only showflat lines to be indexed. i always end up just stopping it after its been running 24 hours and just CHEWING up bandwidth.

on the last attempt got over 25 dupes on most all files.

it sucks.

at i index hundreds of Belizean websites. i have several message boards in there, and i can't even index MY OWN MESSAGE BOARD because putting it in blows the whole index. So that costs me money, my board might have the answer folks are looking for. but since its not in there, they end up going somewhere else.

I have spent probably $500 in bandwidth and 100 hours of labor on this. the fellows who wrote the spider software have helped a lot also. they have spent many many hours on it too. and they say this setup is a nightmare for a spider. and they are spider experts. they KNOW WHAT WORKS WELL for a spider and WHAT DOESN"T. This system is IMPOSSIBLE for spiders to navigate in an efficient way. so google does what i do with my spider, if the thing runs wild, you kill it and bring it back out. some sites are just circular for spiders so anyone with anmy brain who runs a spider has to have a way to keep them from spinning out. google is obviously doing that with my board, as a board ten years old that is heavily trafficked should have WAY MORE than 800 files indexed especially when a ton are profiles and trash.

for example, here's their first ten results visible here:

the first two are dupes, there are two identical links for calendar that it obviously couldn't tell were dupes even tho they have the exact same address, and the rest are all trash. 4 are dupes, two to the front page, the other 8 go to the trash.

hideous. i am regretting the upgrade now. bells and whistles are nice, but when it impacts your google ranking and results in such a HUGE WAY its certainly not worth it. this will adversely affect my overall web traffic and thus cost me and my clients money.