yes my search engine generated traffic to the message board has pretty much stopped

sitemap generator still running over 18 hours now. showing the same signs as the zoom search engine regarding infinently expanding number of files in the queue. more confirmation that efficient spidering is fruitless with this current file naming setup.

Links depth: 11
Current page: forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/101646/page/0/fpart/1
Pages added to sitemap: 92339
Pages scanned: 251580 (4,348,325.0 Kb)
Pages left: 14515 (+ 79357 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 1174:14
Time left: 67:44

we have 200,000 posts, and at 20 a page, thats 10,000 files. at ten a page, its 20,000 files. it has so far indexed 250,000 files and has another 100,000 in the queue, also - the number of files in the queue continues to rise.

churning away, vast endless supply of links in there. sure doesn't spider well.

will let it run all night again, that puts it at 32 hours or something. then i will stop it cause this is dumb and expensive. least i got 'another opinion.'