Sounds like you should have chosen UBB, if you liked those features.

Rick - You've done an AWESOME job with Threads. You're a Genius. I'm glad it doesn't look like UBB or Open Topic.
You'll never please all of the people all of the time, you can just do the best you can.

I don't have the (1 New) linebreak issue. I believe those column widths are defined by %, so it depends on your resolution and/or monitor size. In the stylesheets you can also control the font size.

I'm not a programmer, but I'm a very "tekkie" person. I've added great new features with a few simple hacks. Nothing has taken more than a few minutes to do. They weren't "needed" features (like clickable post icons etc..) but they are nicer.
Usually the hack ends up in the next version, and I can't wait to test version 6!

Why doesn't threads have the same things as UBB or OpenTopic? Cause Rick didn't write those. They are different programs. Written by different people, with different features.
There are differences in any product you buy. Look at automobiles...there are many subtle differences between a Camry, an Altima and a Malibu. Each one gets you from place to place...alot is a matter of preference. Each has many small "bells & whistles" that may interest you.

I personally find UBBThreads easier for the new user. You may not agree. Then perhaps UBB is for you.
My board has about 700-800 new users a month, and we're pushing 50 GB a month. Never a problem. Many are newbies to computers or the internet. Many use simple devices like WebTV or Internet Appliances.
I've been able to customize a few things to make it all just work perfectly.

THANK YOU RICK and the InfoPop gang for seeing that your product line needed something unique and different from UBB or Open Topic!