Originally Posted by Gizmo
Oh and for note Riok, I still recommend scriptalicious over YUI; all yahoo would have to do is impliment api keys and we'd have a huge headache with forum admin's and non functioning forums until they went and signed up for a key lol...

I think IanSpence and SD concourr wink

If we were to use their CDN, which is an option, then I could see that being an issue. But, we'd be including the libraries with the software since they are released under a BSD license. So nobody's forum is just going to stop functioning.

In most cases it's going to be faster to reference their CDN for the framework, but we'll put in an option so it can either be grabbed from them or from the UBB install. So, even if you're using their CDN and they put in an extra hurdle to jump through, then it would just be a matter of switching to grabbing it locally.

Also, I've already done several projects with YUI and 0 with scriptalicious. So the learning curve has already been hurdled wink