Yes it does have to start at version 1
But IMO should continue to develop too.

I'm picking on the Gallery.
Its been in for over a year i guess now, and all that has
changed is you can now see the url under the post.

Water marking and the choice of a upload directory (Simular to Files) would be
improvements that haven't been made.

I have 3,000 Gallery images uploaded (2mb Max size)
And 11,000 file uploads which are all images anyway.

Bandwidth can / does cost money.

The file uploads is fine as i can choose the location,
but having the Gallery in a default location sucks for
bandwidth monitoring if they go over (In theory) then
the whole forum goes off line.

(I have my File uploads to a subdomain, which will go off line
after x GB per month, but my Main Domain will stay online)

I would have liked to see that addressed before we have
visible links to the gallery posts, now you can be assured
more bandwidth can be taken from you having the choice for
sml med large. .

Having the URL's under the Gallery Images isn't as important
as managing the upload space and looking after your bandwidth.
Then you can decide if its a good idea to have the links on show.

I know its was probably just as easy to throw those in as extras as that bit of
code was being worked on, but i'm trying to say is that the Gallery has been basic since it began,
its not what i would call version 2.

So when we read it will start off Basic the Question i think
of almost straight away is for how long? And seems like the
next release isn't a enhancement or tweak.

Version 7.2 Released - July 16, 2007
7.2 Feature: Finished the basic design of the gallery listing page. When you go to a forum that is designated as a gallery, instead of getting a list of topics, you'll get a list of thumbnails along with some basic information, poster, caption, views, etc.

7.2.1 Bug Fix: Fixed a permission problem with gallery/file attachments on some servers.

7.3.1 BugFix: Fixed a potential issue where a blank file attachment would lead to the directory permissions being changed on gallery folders.

Version 7.4 Released - Oct 16, 2008

Feature: Modified all gallery posts, so when viewing a picture it will give you the ubbcode for the thumbnail, medium and full sized images in the Post Description area. Also now displaying the size and dimensions of the full sized image.

Feature: When editing forum permissions, you will now be able to see what the max attachment size is set to in php.ini and you will not be able to set a value higher than this for File or Gallery attachments.

Change: Modified the gallery code to allow for the .jpeg extension in addition to just .jpg

Change: Added the gallery directory and sub-directories to the Permission Check screen in the Control Panel.

Okay so you can see that it was basic for 15 months.
Before other updates were made. And i see no reason why blogs
would be any different. We will have to wait a long time before
they move from being "Basic". Basic Meaning as a new Feature.

I just think giving us the option to manage our files
before offering "open" URLS would have been a more logical choice.

I hope i'm wrong a really do wink

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo