Thats all great. But some of the problems are having a simple log in for a site with all software using the same log in not have 3 different software packages with 3 different registrations and 3 different login for each thing.

I agree not many users or "communities" have the desire to use all of the things or are large enough to be pressured into having them.

I have plenty of experience in servers, software, programming, and find that doing many things are very difficult when it comes to working with the UBB.threads with other applications. When UBB made the change from classic to threads many things has changed and continued to change in the back end of the software leaving no "standard" for the actual product we use in the UBB. This makes it extremely difficult to have other software work with the database to give a one login approach for a community utilizing many software packages and abilities.

The major problem is not that it is not compatible with other software as this can be changed through a patch type software making all of the community software written by others compatible with a single user database but the constant changed from one version to the next in the database. I totally understand that you need to make modifications to add more things in the database but a simple standard of operation in the user database would be a great help.

Like I said you loose the ability to express and takes forever to relay your opinion and thought process through a message board over the ability to have a simple conversation for just a few minutes. I'm not suggesting going to the past where anyone could get you on the phone but rather give the option for you to contact a single person once and a while to discuss major issues. other do have some what experience and intelligence in the subject as well. I have talked to Dave D and Charles C in the past many times and relayed to you things that eventually became part of the product. This ability other then through a support ticket or a chat conversation no longer exists in your company and no one at Groupee knows nothing or will even give you the time of the day.

Make your product better by making it friendly to other software packages.

Are you following what I'm trying to relay in a chat conversation here?