Paris Hilton getting out after 3 days?
It hit the news in the UK also, sorry guy's it does make the justice system look stupid.

Nice to see you catching up to UK Standards,
wont belong now before you cant lock them up as there isn't enough spaces lol....

Rose -
She's definatly one of the boys, i cant remember ever ever ever reading a woman went to play a video game lol. Go Rose Go Rose.

Hummm (Thinks) - why every time i type in Rose i get a flash of the movie Titanic in a Steamy Back Seat of a car lol..

dirv - This thread will never die as long there is a Gizmo.

dirv - I was sitting at my desk this morning and several strangers walked past and started laughing...

Pull yu pants up then lol...

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo