Temptation !

Gizmo your not allowed to post in this thread.
Or is the Temptation Too Great lol...

Ive started this thread as a Gizmo Free Zone.
We plan to prevent Gizmo's post count from climbing
With "I agree" - "My Thoughts" - "Hmmm" etc...
All in good fun....
We could talk about how great IE7 is to tease a reply.
You know we love you really...

Do you like IE7 or your thoughts on the relase of vista smile
Or i could be forced to post another Number Six Puzzel lol

[Edited by Gizmo]: Never said anything about editing your post... You suck. That is all wink...

Last edited by Gizmo; 01/29/2007 3:57 PM.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo