dirv - This thread will never die as long there is a Gizmo.
Originally Posted by Mark S
Pull yu pants up then lol...
Originally Posted by Rose
Ian, here's a great "feel better" recipe for the flu.
- Juice from about 3 or 4 lemons - Couple of tablespoons of honey - Two asprin crushed up - A shot of whiskey - Top it all up with hot water in a big glass
It doesn't cure it, but it'll make you feel better for a bit. It'll help with the 44 Magnum thoughts anyway.
Some tea with a lot of sugar will do much the same thing ... It's the lliquor, sugar and vitamen C ... Though too much liquor and sugar will give you one hell of a hangover...
Originally Posted by Ian
isn't mooning an offence at work?
Sunning isn't half bad either ...
Originally Posted by Mark S
Originally Posted by Rose
How do you moon "properly"?
Now that is something i have seen woman do lol
Originally Posted by Ian
Page 8
#70 of #73 lol...
Originally Posted by Rick
Breaking News:
A judge orders Paris Hilton back to jail, CNN confirms. She was taken from court screaming, The Associated Press reports